Components Of A Content Marketing Strategy

Components Of A Content Marketing Strategy

Carrying out any business means connecting with your target audience and establishing visibility with the potential new audiences. To actively engage your audience, you need to have a lot of content. Your content needs to be reliable, organized and focused, this is where content marketing strategy kicks in.

What Is Content Marketing Strategy?

In simple words, content marketing strategy is a filtered way of disseminating a specific message throughout various mediums. It is a great way to keep your content updated and also aids in increasing the website’s visibility to drive in more traffic.
Using content as a primary means, this strategy focuses to achieve your business goals. It is a great way to keep your content updated and producing high quality content to build trust with the new audiences.
It is a long term planning


Components Of A Content Marketing Strategy

⦁ Well-defined Goals

Every content marketing strategy requires goals that are properly defined, absence of it your strategy will hold no value. As a content marketer, make sure you don’t have too many goals. Go with the saying, Less is more. You can focus on 2-3 goals and work on it to have better impact.
Some of the goals that you can work on are:
i. Brand awareness

This is one of the common goals where you can create content that showcases the area of expertise of your company. Creating brand awareness content includes writing high quality content about topics that serves helpful and knowledgeable that your audience wants to know about the brand. This will also help the audiences to understand better what your company offers

ii. Customer education

Providing customer education is another goal that you can consider. For this, you can discuss with the sales team and note down the doubts and queries of the customers. Based on those queries, you can create valuable articles which will be valuable for your audience as well.

iii. Customer Research

Understanding your audience is an important part in content creation. You need to constantly ask yourself what are the type of content that your audience enjoys reading. Customer research and development will help you to make better decisions about content creation

iv. Recruit better talent

You can also use your content as a recruiting tool to serve your recruiting efforts. Collaborate with the HR and build a content and reach out to the right people. You can also work with your current employees to develop content for the prospective employees.

⦁ Carving Brand story

People loves reading human stories. Therefore, add some human elements to your content marketing strategy by writing stories about your brand. Mention your problems and how you overcame it. This will help to build a connection between your brand and your customers.
According to Headstream, 55% of people consider buying from a brand if they love their brand story. Make sure your stories are related to the problems your customers face. This is also a great way to create content on the basis of your customer’s preferences.

Authentic and memorable brand stories helps form a lasting connection with your existing customers, and you might also find yourself with potential customers that might advocate with your brand.


⦁ Define Your Audience Personas

An audience persona is the visualization of your target audience. When defining your audience personas, define their demographics, behaviors, goals, challenges etc; basically identify what they think and how they feel.

For defining your audience personas, you can have an interaction with your customers and learn more about them. Try to be more curious about your customers and engage in customer development interviews, interactions on social media and every other way that can give you better understanding about them.

⦁ Research your competitor’s content strategy

A better understanding about your competitor’s strategy should also be a part of your strategy as well. This will give you a chance to find out where you lack behind and then create a proper planning to fill up those voids.

Looking out for your competitor’s content doesn’t mean copying their content, but taking ideas and creating your own unique content. Remember, your business is unique in its own way. So, create a content that sets you apart from your competitors.

Also Read: Content Curation: Why is everyone doing it?

Wrapping Up

Content strategy is an ongoing process. It will change with time as well as with your customers preferences. As a content marketer, you need to constantly learn more about their problems, requirements and what they like in a content.

Revisit your old content and try to update it by adding new information in order to live up to your customers needs.

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